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a cura di Giovanni B. Gifuni (Consigliere parlamentare della Camera dei Deputati)
Bibliografia - articoli
Adams, R., Opening the Budget-Box The background to the pre-budget process, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2001.
Adonis, A., Parliament today, 2nd ed., Manchester-New York, Manchester University Press, 1993.
Ashley, J., I Spy Strangers: Improving Access to Parliament, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Blackburn, R., The Meeting of Parliament, Aldershot, Dartmouth, 1990.
Blackburn R. - Plant R., (edited by), Constitutional Reform - The Labour Governments Constitutional Reform Agenda, London, Longman, 1999.
Blakes United Kingdom Book of Parliament,19th ed., London, Blake Publishing Ltd, 1998.
Bogdanor, V., Devolution in the United Kingdom, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.
Brand, J., British parliamentary parties: policy and power, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992.
Brazier, A., Parliament and the Public Purse: improving financial scrutiny, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Systematic Scrutiny: Reforming the select committees, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Cheffins, R., Parliamentary Constituencies & Their Registers since 1832, Erlbaum, Lawrence Associated Inc., 1998.
Coleman, S., Sounding Out The Public: A Review of the National Discussion on the Reform of the Second Chamber, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Coleman S. - Taylor J. - Van de Donk W., Parliament in the Age of the Internet, Hansard Society Series in Government & Politics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2000.
Cowley, P. (edited by),Conscience & Parliament, The Library of Legislative Studies, London, Cass, 1998.
Cygan, A. J., The United Kingdom Parliament & European Union Legislation, Studies in Law, Vol. 2, London, Kluwer Law International, 1998.
Dods Parliamentary Companion, London, Vacher Dod Publishing Ltd., 2000.
Englefield, D., Parliament: A Brief Guide, London, Industry & Parliament Trust, 1998.
Erskine Mays Treatise on The Law, Privileges, Proceedings and Usage of Parliament, Twenty-second Edition, London, Butterworths, 1997.
Evans, P. (edited by), Handbook of House of Commons Procedure, London, Vacher Dod Publishing Ltd, 1999.
Flynn, P., Commons Knowledge: How to Be a Backbencher, Bridgend, Seren Books, 1998.
Franklin M. - Norton P., (edited by), Parliamentary Questions, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993.
Garrett, J., Westminster: does Parliament work?, London, Gollancz, 1993.
Giddings P. - Drewry G., (edited by), Westminster & Europe: The Impact of the European Union on the Westminster Parliament, Basingstoke, Saint Martins Press LLC, 1996.
Gorman, T., Parliament for England, Cheltenham, This England Books, 1999.
Griffith J. G. A. - Ryle M., Parliament: Functions, Practice and Procedures, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1989.
Hazell, R. (edited by), Constitutional Futures A History of the Next Ten Years, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999.
House of Commons, Select Committee on Procedure. Fourth Report: The Procedural Consequences of Devolution, London, The Stationery Office, 1999.
Procedural Consequences of Devolution: Government Response to the 4th Report from the Commettee, London, The Stationery Office, 1999.
House of Commons Library, Parliament Reform: The Commons Modernisation Programme, Reserch Paper, 1997, 97/107.
The Procedural Consequences of Devolution, Research Paper, 1999, 99/85.
Jorgest, M., Reform in the House of Commons: The select committee system, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 1993.
King, D. M., The Deregulation Procedure: an evaluation, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1999.
Knight, J., About the House. A parliamentarians commentary, London, Churchill Press, 1995.
Leicester, G., Westminster and Europe: proposals for change, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1997.
Making the Law ,The Report of the Hansard Society Commission on The Legislative Process, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1992.
Negrine, R. M., Parliament & the Media: A Study of Britain, Germany & France, Chatham House Papers Series, London, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1998.
Norton of Louth, (Lord of), Conservative Party, Strenghtening Parliament: The report of the Commission to Streghten Parliament, London, 2000.
Norton, P., Parliament in the United Kingdom: balancing effectiveness and consent?, London-Portland, Cass, 1990.
Does Parliament Matter?, London, Harvestar Wheatsheaf, 1999.
Norton, P. (edited by), The consequence of devolution, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1998.
Oliver D. - Drewry, G., The Law and Parliament, London, Butterworths, 1998.
Ormond, J., English Parliament: A Proposal for Fairness & Transparency in a New Constitutional Settlement for Britain, London, Bow Publications Ltd., 1999.
Parliament for the People: Proposals to Reform the House of Commons, Liberal Democrat Working Party, London, Liberal Democrat Publications (Policy Paper Series, No. 20), 1996.
Parliamentary Committees: Enhancing Democratic Governance in the Commonwealth, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, London, Cavendish Publishing Ltd., 1999.
Parliamentary Procedures for the Enactment of Rewritten Tax Law, London, Institute for Fiscal Studies, Tax Law Review Committee (IFS Commentary S), 1996.
Passing Legislation in Britain, London, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, 1997.
Power, G., Creating a Working Parliament: reform of the Commons Chamber, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Parliamentary Scrutiny of Draft Legislation 1997-9, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Power, G. (edited by), Under Pressure: are we getting the most from our MPs?, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Reform of the House of Commons, Liberal Democrat Policy Working Group, London, Liberal Democrat Publications (Federal Policy Consultation Paper, No 25), 1995.
Riddel, P., Parliament Under Pressure, London, Cassell, 1998.
Parliament under Blair, London, Politicos Publishing Ltd., 2000.
Russel, M., Resolving Disputes between the Chambers, London, Constitution Unit, 1999.
Shell D. - Giddings P., Future of Parliament: Reform of Second Chamber, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 1999.
Silk, P., How Parliament Works, 4th ed., London, Longman, 1998.
Smith R. Moore J., (edited by), House of Commons: Seven Hundred Years of British Tradition, London, Smiths Peerage., 1996.
Tessuto, G., Il lessico politico-istituzionale nella prassi del Parlamento di Londra, Torino, Giappichelli, 1998.
Thompson P. - Bracken J., (edited by), Parliaments and Assemblies of the United Kingdom, London, Dyson Bell Martin, 1999.
Weir, S. - Boyle, K., Democratic Control of Political Power: Executive Parliament & the Rule of Law in Britain, London, Routledge, 1998.
Wober, J. M., Watching Parliament on TV The views from Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, London, The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government, 2000.
Zander, M., The Law Making Process, 4th ed., London, Butterworths, 1994.